Manage Tasks

How to manage tasks in DataGym

The tasklist:

All tasks are listed in the project's detail page in the tasks tab. They can be filtered by their state, the image name or the assigned labeler. The list is by default limited to 200 rows. This limit can be changed or deactivated.

To filter the tasks by the assigned labeler only the id can be used. Real names are not supported at the moment.

Tasks lifecycle:

Every task has a state. This state is displayed in the task list and some of them can be changed by the project admin.

Change the State:

The project admin can change the tasks from BACKLOG state into WAITING state by using either the arrow sign in the state column or by using the "Move all tasks" button. This button loads a new pop-up window where the tasks can be selected via their dataset. Use the option "All" to select all tasks.


There are three different badges possible for every task.

The light blue badges in the first row show that the image was pre-labeled successfully and that labels were imported via JSON upload. You can click the "i" icon on the top left for the legend or hover over the symbol for more information.

The red clipboard symbol in the second row shows that pre-labeling failed for this task. There were also no labels uploaded via JSON import for this task.

If the image was neither pre-labeled, nor were labels imported, no badges will be shown.

Last updated