
Manage the images in your Datasets with our Python API

The Image objects in our Python API are not real images (in bytes) but hold the reference attributes (ID, name, etc.) from images in However, the Python API Client allows you to directly download these images from your Projects.

Upload Images

1. Choose the Dataset you want to upload images to

dataset = client.get_dataset_by_name("Dataset_Name")

2.1 Upload a local image to

uploaded_image = client.upload_image(, "PATH_TO_LOCAL_IMAGE")

optionally you can manually set the image name

uploaded_image = client.upload_image(, "PATH_TO_LOCAL_IMAGE", "name.jpg")

2.2 Upload from image urls

image_url_list = [image_url_1, image_url_2]

upload_results = client.create_images_from_urls(, image_url_list)

Download Images

Select an image from your Project/Dataset

1. Choose a Project (or Dataset)

dummy_project = client.get_project_by_name("Dummy_Project")

2. Choose an image

We simple take the first image of our Dummy Project for this example

dummy_images = dummy_project.get_images()

first_dummy_img = dummy_images[0] 

Download the image data

Download as Bytes

You can download and store the selected image as byte stream via the download_image_bytes method of the API Client. The method requires the Image object you selected during the recent steps.

img_data = client.download_image_bytes(image_id=first_dummy_img)

download_image_bytes returns the image as bytes in Python

Use-Case: Do you want to inspect the image you downloaded in your application? Let's use some additional packages to visualize our newly downloaded image

from PIL import Image
import io

image =

This little script will view the Image on your machine.

Download image as file

You can also directly download an image to your machine. Therefore, execute the download_image method which requires the Image object you want to download and the destination on your machine.

client.download_image(image=first_dummy_img, file_path="")

Delete Images

To delete an image from your Dataset use the delete_image method of the Client class. The method only requires an Image Object.

delete_success = client.delete_image(image=first_dummy_img)

delete_image returns True if the image was successfully deleted

Executing this method will permanently delete the Image from your Dataset

The Image object

Image Attributes

The Image object in the Python API is modeled after DataGym's Images.

>>>> print(first_dummy_img)
<Image {
    'id': '<IMAGE_ID>', 
    'image_name': 'sattelite_01.jpg', 
    'image_type': 'SHAREABLE_LINK', 
    'timestamp': 1584711260832

Last updated

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